Bredd Lane

Автор темы
На Аризоне ломается инвентарь после команды /load (а если конкретно не нажимаются никакие кнопки текст дравов). Это только у меня так?
работать должны, просто когда кар загружается постоянно появляются диалоги, из-за бесконечного ввода команды /cars, пока кар не загрузится, поэтому при загрузке никакие диалоги не открываются.


[21:04:02.987334] (system) Session started.
[21:04:02.987334] (debug) Module handle: 65750000

MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[21:04:02.987334] (info) Working directory: C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader
[21:04:02.987334] (debug) FP Control: 0009001F
[21:04:02.987334] (debug) Game: GTA SA US
[21:04:02.987334] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[21:04:02.989350] (system) Hooks installed.
[21:04:03.699917] (debug) Initializing opcode handler table
[21:04:03.699917] (debug) package.path = C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.luac;C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[21:04:03.699917] (debug) package.cpath = C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[21:04:03.703907] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\1.3.0 Mini-Pig.lua'...
[21:04:03.703907] (debug) New script: 0664539C
[21:04:03.727357] (system) 1.3.0 Mini-Pig.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.727357] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\9dialog_imgui.lua'...
[21:04:03.727357] (debug) New script: 0664413C
[21:04:03.735334] (system) 9dialog_imgui.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.735334] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\afktools (2).lua'...
[21:04:03.735334] (debug) New script: 066442C4
[21:04:03.752290] (system) AFK Tools: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.753287] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\airbrake_v5.lua'...
[21:04:03.753287] (debug) New script: 06644D7C
[21:04:03.759271] (system) AirBrake.v5: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.759271] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\alt enter.lua'...
[21:04:03.760268] (debug) New script: 06645214
[21:04:03.761266] (system) alt enter.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.761266] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ArizonaGymMenuByKraft1k.luac'...
[21:04:03.761266] (debug) New script: 0678B3AC
[21:04:03.766253] (system) ArizonaGymMenuByKraft1k: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.766253] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\arizona_trash_chat.lua'...
[21:04:03.766253] (debug) New script: 12303194
[21:04:03.777222] (system) {ff4500}ATChat: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.778221] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ARZ Mehanic Helper v1.2.luac'...
[21:04:03.778221] (debug) New script: 12301C24
[21:04:03.787196] (system) ARZ Mehanic Helper v1.2.luac: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.787196] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ArzZav (1).luac'...
[21:04:03.787196] (debug) New script: 12301A9C
[21:04:03.790188] (system) ArizonaBotZavod: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.791185] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoBikeMotoRunSwimOnMaxSpeed.lua'...
[21:04:03.791185] (debug) New script: 123029EC
[21:04:03.791185] (system) AutoBicycleRunSwimOnMaxSpeed: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.791185] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoCarLoad.lua'...
[21:04:03.792183] (debug) New script: 12302CFC
[21:04:03.795174] (system) AutoCarLoad: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.795174] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\BankHelper.lua'...
[21:04:03.795174] (debug) New script: 1230300C
[21:04:03.811131] (system) BankHelper: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.811131] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\BufferCleanerAuto.lua'...
[21:04:03.811131] (debug) New script: 12301604
[21:04:03.812129] (system) BufferCleanerAuto.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.812129] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ChatHelper.lua'...
[21:04:03.812129] (debug) New script: 12301DAC
[21:04:03.813126] (system) ChatHelper: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.813126] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\correct.lua'...
[21:04:03.813126] (debug) New script: 12301F34
[21:04:03.826115] (system) CorrectionWords: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.826115] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\crc-checks.lua'...
[21:04:03.826115] (debug) New script: 12302554
[21:04:03.829106] (system) crc-checks.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.829106] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FastBinder.lua'...
[21:04:03.829106] (debug) New script: 12302B74
[21:04:03.831101] (system) FastBinder: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.831101] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FastPhone.lua'...
[21:04:03.831101] (debug) New script: 123020BC
[21:04:03.835068] (system) FastPhone.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.835068] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FChecker.lua'...
[21:04:03.835068] (debug) New script: 12302244
[21:04:03.837064] (system) Friends Checker: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.837064] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\fixCarLeave.lua'...
[21:04:03.837064] (debug) New script: 123023CC
[21:04:03.838062] (system) fixCarLeave.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.838062] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FomikusOrigArz.lua'...
[21:04:03.838062] (debug) New script: 1230331C
[21:04:03.846062] (system) AHK for Arizona-RP by Fomikus: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.846062] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Helper for jail.luac'...
[21:04:03.846062] (debug) New script: 12302E84
[21:04:03.859027] (system) Incognito | Helper for jail: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.859027] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\HL-'...
[21:04:03.859027] (debug) New script: 123026DC
[21:04:03.868006] (system) HL: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.868006] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\imgui_notf.lua'...
[21:04:03.868006] (debug) New script: 1230178C
[21:04:03.871995] (system) imgui_notf.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.871995] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Interaction Menu.lua'...
[21:04:03.871995] (debug) New script: 12302864
[21:04:03.880970] (system) Interaction-menu: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.881966] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\LocalTag.lua'...
[21:04:03.881966] (debug) New script: 12301914
[21:04:03.884957] (system) Local-Tag: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.884957] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\money_separator.lua'...
[21:04:03.884957] (debug) New script: 123F05EC
[21:04:03.888949] (system) money_separator.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.888949] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\NaKoleneUpdated (1).lua'...
[21:04:03.888949] (debug) New script: 123EF69C
[21:04:03.891940] (system) NaKoleneUpdated (1).lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.891940] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Razvozchik produktov.lua'...
[21:04:03.891940] (debug) New script: 123EF07C
[21:04:03.894930] (system) Razvozchik produktov: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.894930] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[21:04:03.894930] (debug) New script: 123EF204
[21:04:03.895928] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.895928] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Ryda Bot v1.2.luac'...
[21:04:03.895928] (debug) New script: 123EEBE4
[21:04:03.901913] (system) Ryda Bot: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.901913] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\sampDistanceManager.lua'...
[21:04:03.901913] (debug) New script: 123EED6C
[21:04:03.907899] (system) sampDistanceManager.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.907899] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\setmarker.lua'...
[21:04:03.907899] (debug) New script: 123F0774
[21:04:03.908894] (system) setmarker.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.908894] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\setWeather&Time.lua'...
[21:04:03.908894] (debug) New script: 123F08FC
[21:04:03.909891] (system) setWeather&Time: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.909891] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[21:04:03.909891] (debug) New script: 123EF824
[21:04:03.910888] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:03.910888] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Sweet Connect.lua'...
[21:04:03.910888] (debug) New script: 123EF9AC
[21:04:04.082622] (system) Sweet Connect.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:04.082622] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\train bot.luac'...
[21:04:04.082622] (debug) New script: 123EF38C
[21:04:04.088607] (script) train bot: library "" was loaded
[21:04:04.089604] (script) train bot: library "lib.encoding" was loaded
[21:04:04.089604] (script) train bot: library "memory" was loaded
[21:04:04.089604] (script) train bot: library "inicfg" was loaded
[21:04:04.092596] (script) train bot: library "imgui" was loaded
[21:04:04.092596] (script) train bot: library "ffi" was loaded
[21:04:04.093593] (script) train bot: library "vkeys" was loaded
[21:04:04.095587] (script) train bot: hook onShowDialog initialized, args: ["dialogId","style","title","button1","button2","text"]
[21:04:04.096584] (script) train bot: hook onServerMessage initialized, args: ["color","text"]
[21:04:04.096584] (script) train bot: hook onTextDrawSetString initialized, args: ["id","text"]
[21:04:04.218259] (system) train bot: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:04.219258] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VehicleTools (2).lua'...
[21:04:04.219258] (debug) New script: 123EEEF4
[21:04:04.242196] (system) VehicleTools: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:04.242196] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Получение капчи.lua'...
[21:04:04.242196] (debug) New script: 123EF514
[21:04:04.245188] (system) AHK for Arizona-RP by Fomikus: Loaded successfully.
[21:04:14.477291] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[21:04:14.477291] (system) Hooks installed.
[21:04:16.049159] (script) {ff4500}ATChat: {FF4500}Arizona Trash Chat {ffffff}- Удаляем мусор из чата. {ff4500}Автор: {FFD700}tedj_ble$$ave
[21:04:16.051153] (script) HL: {e8a321}[HL2.0] {FFFFFF}Иконки: доступны
[21:04:16.052152] (script) HL: {e8a321}[HL2.0] {FFFFFF}Звук автонажатия N не обнаружен
[21:04:16.052152] (script) HL: {e8a321}[HL2.0] {FFFFFF}Звук автоввода 0 не обнаружен
[21:04:16.052152] (script) HL: {e8a321}[HL2.0] {FFFFFF}Звук автонажатия Enter не обнаружен
[21:04:16.052152] (script) HL: {e8a321}[HL2.0] {FFFFFF}Звук автонажатия /buybiz не обнаружен
[21:04:16.052152] (script) HL: {e8a321}[HL2.0] {FFFFFF}Скрипт готов к работе!
[21:04:17.064476] (exception) AFK Tools: CJSON: Expected value but found invalid token at character 1
[21:04:17.064476] (exception) VehicleTools: CJSON: Expected value but found invalid token at character 1
[21:04:17.064476] (error) VehicleTools: C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VehicleTools (2).lua:8373: attempt to index local 'info' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VehicleTools (2).lua:8373: in function <C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VehicleTools (2).lua:8367>
[21:04:17.065474] (error) VehicleTools: Script died due to an error. (123EEEF4)
[21:05:19.878179] (script) train bot: library "lib.requests" was loaded
[21:05:19.879176] (script) train bot: library "moonloader" was loaded
[21:33:51.324247] (system) 1.3.0 Mini-Pig.lua: Script terminated. (0664539C)
[21:33:51.326242] (system) 9dialog_imgui.lua: Script terminated. (0664413C)
[21:33:51.330233] (system) AFK Tools: Script terminated. (066442C4)
[21:33:51.332226] (system) AirBrake.v5: Script terminated. (06644D7C)
[21:33:51.333223] (system) alt enter.lua: Script terminated. (06645214)
[21:33:51.334220] (system) ArizonaGymMenuByKraft1k: Script terminated. (0678B3AC)
[21:33:51.335217] (system) {ff4500}ATChat: Script terminated. (12303194)
[21:33:51.336215] (system) ARZ Mehanic Helper v1.2.luac: Script terminated. (12301C24)
[21:33:51.337212] (system) ArizonaBotZavod: Script terminated. (12301A9C)
[21:33:51.338209] (system) AutoBicycleRunSwimOnMaxSpeed: Script terminated. (123029EC)
[21:33:51.338209] (system) AutoCarLoad: Script terminated. (12302CFC)
[21:33:51.339206] (system) BankHelper: Script terminated. (1230300C)
[21:33:51.342198] (system) BufferCleanerAuto.lua: Script terminated. (12301604)
[21:33:51.342198] (system) ChatHelper: Script terminated. (12301DAC)
[21:33:51.342198] (system) CorrectionWords: Script terminated. (12301F34)
[21:33:51.347185] (system) crc-checks.lua: Script terminated. (12302554)
[21:33:51.348183] (system) FastBinder: Script terminated. (12302B74)
[21:33:51.349180] (system) FastPhone.lua: Script terminated. (123020BC)
[21:33:51.349180] (system) Friends Checker: Script terminated. (12302244)
[21:33:51.350177] (system) fixCarLeave.lua: Script terminated. (123023CC)
[21:33:51.351174] (system) AHK for Arizona-RP by Fomikus: Script terminated. (1230331C)
[21:33:51.352172] (system) Incognito | Helper for jail: Script terminated. (12302E84)
[21:33:51.355164] (system) HL: Script terminated. (123026DC)
[21:33:51.356161] (system) imgui_notf.lua: Script terminated. (1230178C)
[21:33:51.357158] (system) Interaction-menu: Script terminated. (12302864)
[21:33:51.359153] (system) Local-Tag: Script terminated. (12301914)
[21:33:51.359153] (system) money_separator.lua: Script terminated. (123F05EC)
[21:33:51.360150] (system) NaKoleneUpdated (1).lua: Script terminated. (123EF69C)
[21:33:51.361148] (system) Razvozchik produktov: Script terminated. (123EF07C)
[21:33:51.361148] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Script terminated. (123EF204)
[21:33:51.362145] (system) Ryda Bot: Script terminated. (123EEBE4)
[21:33:51.363142] (system) sampDistanceManager.lua: Script terminated. (123EED6C)
[21:33:51.364141] (system) setmarker.lua: Script terminated. (123F0774)
[21:33:51.365137] (system) setWeather&Time: Script terminated. (123F08FC)
[21:33:51.365137] (system) SF Integration: Script terminated. (123EF824)
[21:33:51.365137] (system) Sweet Connect.lua: Script terminated. (123EF9AC)
[21:33:51.371121] (system) train bot: Script terminated. (123EF38C)
[21:33:51.377107] (system) AHK for Arizona-RP by Fomikus: Script terminated. (123EF514)
[21:33:51.379102] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\1.3.0 Mini-Pig.lua'...
[21:33:51.379102] (debug) New script: 066448E4
[21:33:51.393064] (system) 1.3.0 Mini-Pig.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.393064] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\9dialog_imgui.lua'...
[21:33:51.393064] (debug) New script: 06644F04
[21:33:51.400046] (system) 9dialog_imgui.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.400046] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\afktools (2).lua'...
[21:33:51.400046] (debug) New script: 0664539C
[21:33:51.413009] (system) AFK Tools: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.413009] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\airbrake_v5.lua'...
[21:33:51.413009] (debug) New script: 06644A6C
[21:33:51.417996] (system) AirBrake.v5: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.417996] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\alt enter.lua'...
[21:33:51.417996] (debug) New script: 066445D4
[21:33:51.417996] (system) alt enter.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.417996] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ArizonaGymMenuByKraft1k.luac'...
[21:33:51.417996] (debug) New script: 066456AC
[21:33:51.421986] (system) ArizonaGymMenuByKraft1k: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.421986] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\arizona_trash_chat.lua'...
[21:33:51.421986] (debug) New script: 06644D7C
[21:33:51.431960] (system) {ff4500}ATChat: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.431960] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ARZ Mehanic Helper v1.2.luac'...
[21:33:51.432956] (debug) New script: 06645834
[21:33:51.440935] (system) ARZ Mehanic Helper v1.2.luac: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.440935] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ArzZav (1).luac'...
[21:33:51.440935] (debug) New script: 0664413C
[21:33:51.443927] (system) ArizonaBotZavod: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.443927] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoBikeMotoRunSwimOnMaxSpeed.lua'...
[21:33:51.443927] (debug) New script: 066459BC
[21:33:51.444924] (system) AutoBicycleRunSwimOnMaxSpeed: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.444924] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\AutoCarLoad.lua'...
[21:33:51.444924] (debug) New script: 06645B44
[21:33:51.447916] (system) AutoCarLoad: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.448919] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\BankHelper.lua'...
[21:33:51.448919] (debug) New script: 0664508C
[21:33:51.462880] (system) BankHelper: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.462880] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\BufferCleanerAuto.lua'...
[21:33:51.462880] (debug) New script: 06645214
[21:33:51.463878] (system) BufferCleanerAuto.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.463878] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ChatHelper.lua'...
[21:33:51.463878] (debug) New script: 06643FB4
[21:33:51.464875] (system) ChatHelper: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.464875] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\correct.lua'...
[21:33:51.464875] (debug) New script: 0664444C
[21:33:51.479835] (system) CorrectionWords: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.479835] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\crc-checks.lua'...
[21:33:51.479835] (debug) New script: 066442C4
[21:33:51.482827] (system) crc-checks.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.482827] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FastBinder.lua'...
[21:33:51.482827] (debug) New script: 123EF204
[21:33:51.484822] (system) FastBinder: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.484822] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FastPhone.lua'...
[21:33:51.484822] (debug) New script: 123EF07C
[21:33:51.488811] (system) FastPhone.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.488811] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FChecker.lua'...
[21:33:51.488811] (debug) New script: 123F05EC
[21:33:51.490807] (system) Friends Checker: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.490807] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\fixCarLeave.lua'...
[21:33:51.490807] (debug) New script: 123F0774
[21:33:51.490807] (system) fixCarLeave.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.490807] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\FomikusOrigArz.lua'...
[21:33:51.490807] (debug) New script: 123F08FC
[21:33:51.497789] (system) AHK for Arizona-RP by Fomikus: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.497789] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Helper for jail.luac'...
[21:33:51.498786] (debug) New script: 123EEBE4
[21:33:51.511751] (system) Incognito | Helper for jail: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.511751] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\HL-'...
[21:33:51.511751] (debug) New script: 123EED6C
[21:33:51.520727] (system) HL: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.520727] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\imgui_notf.lua'...
[21:33:51.520727] (debug) New script: 123EF38C
[21:33:51.524714] (system) imgui_notf.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.524714] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Interaction Menu.lua'...
[21:33:51.524714] (debug) New script: 123EF514
[21:33:51.533691] (system) Interaction-menu: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.533691] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\LocalTag.lua'...
[21:33:51.533691] (debug) New script: 123EF69C
[21:33:51.537680] (system) Local-Tag: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.537680] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\money_separator.lua'...
[21:33:51.537680] (debug) New script: 123EF824
[21:33:51.540672] (system) money_separator.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.540672] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\NaKoleneUpdated (1).lua'...
[21:33:51.540672] (debug) New script: 123EF9AC
[21:33:51.543664] (system) NaKoleneUpdated (1).lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.543664] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Razvozchik produktov.lua'...
[21:33:51.543664] (debug) New script: 0678B844
[21:33:51.546656] (system) Razvozchik produktov: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.546656] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[21:33:51.546656] (debug) New script: 0678BB54
[21:33:51.547654] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.547654] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Ryda Bot v1.2.luac'...
[21:33:51.547654] (debug) New script: 0678B3AC
[21:33:51.553638] (system) Ryda Bot: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.553638] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\sampDistanceManager.lua'...
[21:33:51.553638] (debug) New script: 0678B9CC
[21:33:51.559622] (system) sampDistanceManager.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.559622] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\setmarker.lua'...
[21:33:51.559622] (debug) New script: 0678BFEC
[21:33:51.560619] (system) setmarker.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.560619] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\setWeather&Time.lua'...
[21:33:51.560619] (debug) New script: 0678B6BC
[21:33:51.561616] (system) setWeather&Time: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.561616] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[21:33:51.561616] (debug) New script: 0678BCDC
[21:33:51.562614] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.562614] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Sweet Connect.lua'...
[21:33:51.562614] (debug) New script: 0678B224
[21:33:51.728630] (system) Sweet Connect.lua: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.728630] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\train bot.luac'...
[21:33:51.728630] (debug) New script: 0678B534
[21:33:51.733617] (script) train bot: library "" was loaded
[21:33:51.733617] (script) train bot: library "lib.encoding" was loaded
[21:33:51.733617] (script) train bot: library "memory" was loaded
[21:33:51.733617] (script) train bot: library "inicfg" was loaded
[21:33:51.736609] (script) train bot: library "imgui" was loaded
[21:33:51.736609] (script) train bot: library "ffi" was loaded
[21:33:51.736609] (script) train bot: library "vkeys" was loaded
[21:33:51.738604] (script) train bot: hook onShowDialog initialized, args: ["dialogId","style","title","button1","button2","text"]
[21:33:51.739601] (script) train bot: hook onServerMessage initialized, args: ["color","text"][21:33:51.739601] (script) train bot: hook onTextDrawSetString initialized, args: ["id","text"]
[21:33:51.862779] (system) train bot: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.862779] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VehicleTools (2).lua'...
[21:33:51.862779] (debug) New script: 2A49F114
[21:33:51.888710] (system) VehicleTools: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.888710] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\Получение капчи.lua'...
[21:33:51.888710] (debug) New script: 2A49FBCC
[21:33:51.891702] (system) AHK for Arizona-RP by Fomikus: Loaded successfully.
[21:33:51.895691] (script) {ff4500}ATChat: {FF4500}Arizona Trash Chat {ffffff}- Удаляем мусор из чата. {ff4500}Автор: {FFD700}tedj_ble$$ave
[21:33:51.899679] (script) HL: {e8a321}[HL2.0] {FFFFFF}Иконки: доступны
[21:33:51.899679] (script) HL: {e8a321}[HL2.0] {FFFFFF}Звук автонажатия N не обнаружен
[21:33:51.899679] (script) HL: {e8a321}[HL2.0] {FFFFFF}Звук автоввода 0 не обнаружен
[21:33:51.899679] (script) HL: {e8a321}[HL2.0] {FFFFFF}Звук автонажатия Enter не обнаружен
[21:33:51.899679] (script) HL: {e8a321}[HL2.0] {FFFFFF}Звук автонажатия /buybiz не обнаружен
[21:33:51.899679] (script) HL: {e8a321}[HL2.0] {FFFFFF}Скрипт готов к работе!
[21:33:51.908654] (script) train bot: library "lib.requests" was loaded
[21:33:51.909652] (script) train bot: library "moonloader" was loaded
[21:33:52.445419] (exception) AFK Tools: CJSON: Expected value but found invalid token at character 1
[21:33:52.445419] (exception) VehicleTools: CJSON: Expected value but found invalid token at character 1
[21:33:52.445419] (error) VehicleTools: C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VehicleTools (2).lua:8373: attempt to index local 'info' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VehicleTools (2).lua:8373: in function <C:\Games\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\VehicleTools (2).lua:8367>
[21:33:52.449409] (error) VehicleTools: Script died due to an error. (2A49F114)
мод спойле спряч


[ML] (error) VehicleTools: ...n\Arizona\moonloader\lib\VehicleTools\[ImGui]PieMenu.lua:3: ImGui Pie requires Moon ImGui v1.1.4 or greater
stack traceback:
[ML] (error) VehicleTools: Script died due to an error. (07B10814)

Bredd Lane

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Реакции: Huhnerbein


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  • moonloader.log
    5.1 KB · Просмотры: 7


[ML] (error) VehicleTools: ...r\Desktop\ñ íîóòà àëåíû\SAMP\moonloader\VehicleTools.lua:403: sol: no matching function call takes this number of arguments and the specified types
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'ImInt'
...r\Desktop\ñ íîóòà àëåíû\SAMP\moonloader\VehicleTools.lua:403: in main chunk
[ML] (error) VehicleTools: Script died due to an error. (0CDDD944)


Проблему решил сам удалением конфига от старой версии.


Почему то не работает. Удалял строку, после чего вообще все пропало. С чем может конфликтовать?


Наверное потому что Vehicle Tools и MVD Helper стоят на разных версиях мунлуадера
не,у меня мвд хэлпер под 26 версию, по отдельности скрипты работают,но если вместе,то в мвд хелпер курсор появляется,а меню нет, хотя он "работает" т.к отыгровки оружия и прочее есть,
только меню не открывает