Другая игра Почему не работает в других форматах? как зделать чтобы работало в другом формате? как встроить code в gta_sa.exe????

01010110 01100001 0110010

Автор темы
{$CLEO .dll}
0000: NOP
wait 0
038B: load_requested_models

wait 0
else_jump @NONAME_13

wait 0
else_jump @NONAME_33
wait 1000
06D8: $TRAIN = create_train_at -2006.57 126.842 27.5391 type 9 direction 1
06DD: set_train $TRAIN speed 0.0
06DC: set_train $TRAIN acc 0.0
06D7: enable_train_traffic 9000
wait 1000
jump @NONAME_119

wait 0
if and
0203:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car $TRAIN radius 8.0 8.0 flag 0 on_foot
0AB0:   key_pressed 13
else_jump @NONAME_168
05CB: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR enter_car $TRAIN as_driver -1 ms

wait 0
if and
   not Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, $TRAIN)
0AB0:   key_pressed 104
else_jump @NONAME_205
06DC: set_train $TRAIN acc 35.0

wait 0
if and
   not Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, $TRAIN)
0AB0:   key_pressed 98
else_jump @NONAME_242
06DC: set_train $TRAIN acc -35.0

wait 0
if and
   not Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, $TRAIN)
0AB0:   key_pressed 101
else_jump @NONAME_289
06DD: set_train $TRAIN speed 0.0
06DC: set_train $TRAIN acc 0.0

wait 0
0981:   train $TRAIN wrecked
else_jump @NONAME_119
jump @NONAME_321

wait 1000
06D8: $TRAIN = create_train_at -2006.57 126.842 27.5391 type 8 direction 1
06DD: set_train $TRAIN speed 0.0
06DC: set_train $TRAIN acc 0.0
06D7: enable_train_traffic 9000
wait 1000
jump @NONAME_387

wait 0
if and
0203:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car $TRAIN radius 8.0 8.0 flag 0 on_foot
0AB0:   key_pressed 13
else_jump @NONAME_436
05CB: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR enter_car $TRAIN as_driver -1 ms

wait 0
if and
   not Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, $TRAIN)
0AB0:   key_pressed 104
else_jump @NONAME_473
06DC: set_train $TRAIN acc 35.0

wait 0
if and
   not Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, $TRAIN)
0AB0:   key_pressed 98
else_jump @NONAME_510
06DC: set_train $TRAIN acc -35.0

wait 0
if and
   not Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, $TRAIN)
0AB0:   key_pressed 101
else_jump @NONAME_557
06DD: set_train $TRAIN speed 0.0
06DC: set_train $TRAIN acc 0.0

wait 0
0981:   train $TRAIN wrecked
else_jump @NONAME_387
jump @NONAME_33


  • CJ's_Tram.dll
    17.7 KB · Просмотры: 2

01010110 01100001 0110010

Автор темы

0000 nop
24@ = 0
thread 'KOLESO'

wait 2000

wait 200
else_jump @KOLESO_76
09E8: 7@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR active_interior
if and
  7@ == 0
else_jump @KOLESO_76
if and
  24@ == 0
00FE:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_sphere 389.773 -2028.47 7.8301 radius 220.0 220.0 220.0
else_jump @KOLESO_1030
6@ = Object.Create(18657, 389.773, -2028.47, 13.0047)
0453: set_object 6@ XY_rotation 0.0 0.0 angle 90.0
038B: load_requested_models
wait 100
Object.StorePos(6@, 3@, 4@, 5@)
0@ = 0.0
02F7: 1@ = sine 0@ // (float)
1@ *= 11.7
02F6: 2@ = cosine 0@ // (float)
2@ *= 11.7
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 2@ // (float)
005B: 9@ += 1@ // (float)
10@ = Object.Init(3752, 3@, 8@, 9@)
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 8@ -= 2@ // (float)
0063: 9@ -= 1@ // (float)
15@ = Object.Init(3752, 3@, 8@, 9@)
wait 0
20@ = 36.0
02F7: 1@ = sine 20@ // (float)
1@ *= 11.7
02F6: 2@ = cosine 20@ // (float)
2@ *= 11.7
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 2@ // (float)
005B: 9@ += 1@ // (float)
11@ = Object.Init(3752, 3@, 8@, 9@)
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 8@ -= 2@ // (float)
0063: 9@ -= 1@ // (float)
16@ = Object.Init(3752, 3@, 8@, 9@)
wait 0
21@ = 72.0
02F7: 1@ = sine 21@ // (float)
1@ *= 11.7
02F6: 2@ = cosine 21@ // (float)
2@ *= 11.7
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 2@ // (float)
005B: 9@ += 1@ // (float)
12@ = Object.Init(3752, 3@, 8@, 9@)
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 8@ -= 2@ // (float)
0063: 9@ -= 1@ // (float)
17@ = Object.Init(3752, 3@, 8@, 9@)
wait 0
22@ = 108.0
02F7: 1@ = sine 22@ // (float)
1@ *= 11.7
02F6: 2@ = cosine 22@ // (float)
2@ *= 11.7
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 2@ // (float)
005B: 9@ += 1@ // (float)
13@ = Object.Init(3752, 3@, 8@, 9@)
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 8@ -= 2@ // (float)
0063: 9@ -= 1@ // (float)
18@ = Object.Init(3752, 3@, 8@, 9@)
wait 0
23@ = 144.0
02F7: 1@ = sine 23@ // (float)
1@ *= 11.7
02F6: 2@ = cosine 23@ // (float)
2@ *= 11.7
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 2@ // (float)
005B: 9@ += 1@ // (float)
14@ = Object.Create(3752, 3@, 8@, 9@)
Object.PutAt(14@, 3@, 8@, 9@)
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 8@ -= 2@ // (float)
0063: 9@ -= 1@ // (float)
19@ = Object.Init(3752, 3@, 8@, 9@)
24@ = 1

if and
  24@ == 1
80FE:   not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_sphere 389.773 -2028.47 7.8301 radius 220.0 220.0 220.0
else_jump @KOLESO_1202
24@ = 0

0102:   actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere 379.3997 -2020.752 7.8301 radius 1.2 1.2 15.0 sphere 1 stopped_on_foot
else_jump @KOLESO_2304
   Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) > 24
else_jump @KOLESO_2304
Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 270.0
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 379.3997, -2020.752, 6.8301)
0812: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR perform_animation "ATM" IFP_file "PED" 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time 2000 // versionB
Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += -25
wait 3000
fade 0 1500
wait 1700
Object.StorePos(15@, 3@, 4@, 5@)
4@ -= 0.4
5@ -= 2.5
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 3@, 4@, 5@)
Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 180.0
fade 1 1500
wait 3000
0@ = 0.0
20@ = 36.0
21@ = 72.0
22@ = 108.0
23@ = 144.0

wait 0
Object.StorePos(6@, 3@, 4@, 5@)
0@ += 0.2
20@ += 0.2
21@ += 0.2
22@ += 0.2
23@ += 0.2
0453: set_object 6@ XY_rotation 0.0 0@ angle 90.0
02F7: 1@ = sine 0@ // (float)
1@ *= 11.7
02F6: 2@ = cosine 0@ // (float)
2@ *= 11.7
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 2@ // (float)
005B: 9@ += 1@ // (float)
Object.PutAt(10@, 3@, 8@, 9@)
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 8@ -= 2@ // (float)
0063: 9@ -= 1@ // (float)
Object.PutAt(15@, 3@, 8@, 9@)
8@ -= 0.3
9@ -= 2.5
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 3@, 8@, 9@)
02F7: 1@ = sine 20@ // (float)
1@ *= 11.7
02F6: 2@ = cosine 20@ // (float)
2@ *= 11.7
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 2@ // (float)
005B: 9@ += 1@ // (float)
Object.PutAt(11@, 3@, 8@, 9@)
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 8@ -= 2@ // (float)
0063: 9@ -= 1@ // (float)
Object.PutAt(16@, 3@, 8@, 9@)
02F7: 1@ = sine 21@ // (float)
1@ *= 11.7
02F6: 2@ = cosine 21@ // (float)
2@ *= 11.7
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 2@ // (float)
005B: 9@ += 1@ // (float)
Object.PutAt(12@, 3@, 8@, 9@)
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 8@ -= 2@ // (float)
0063: 9@ -= 1@ // (float)
Object.PutAt(17@, 3@, 8@, 9@)
02F7: 1@ = sine 22@ // (float)
1@ *= 11.7
02F6: 2@ = cosine 22@ // (float)
2@ *= 11.7
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 2@ // (float)
005B: 9@ += 1@ // (float)
Object.PutAt(13@, 3@, 8@, 9@)
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 8@ -= 2@ // (float)
0063: 9@ -= 1@ // (float)
Object.PutAt(18@, 3@, 8@, 9@)
02F7: 1@ = sine 23@ // (float)
1@ *= 11.7
02F6: 2@ = cosine 23@ // (float)
2@ *= 11.7
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
005B: 8@ += 2@ // (float)
005B: 9@ += 1@ // (float)
Object.PutAt(14@, 3@, 8@, 9@)
0087: 8@ = 4@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 5@ // (float)
0063: 8@ -= 2@ // (float)
0063: 9@ -= 1@ // (float)
Object.PutAt(19@, 3@, 8@, 9@)
  0@ >= 720.0
else_jump @KOLESO_1473
wait 1000
fade 0 1500
wait 1700
Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, 387.4263, -2028.47, 6.8359)
Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) = 90.0
fade 1 1500

jump @KOLESO_81

на серверах с плохим античитом работает хорошо, а вот где хороший античит стоит там кикает когда из обьекта вылезаешь,
если в виде маппинга зделать без скрипта, то работать будет везде, а если скриптами активировать то только на нубо рп работать будет.
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