Не работает луа скрпит помогите!


Автор темы
Не работает аризона хелпер помогите
[ML] (error) helper.lua: E:\Samp\moonloader\helper.lua: cannot load malformed bytecode
[ML] (error) helper.lua: Script died due to an error. (0A96D9D4)




Тут вопрос скрипт скомпилен под 026, а у него 025 и ниже или наоборот 🧐
Это нам ясно понятно что делать, а им надо ссылку ткнуть что скачать)
а нах ты тогда просишь лог?




Автор темы
Узнать версию луны

SAMPFUNCS v5.4.1-final rel.21 (SA-MP 0.3.7-R1)
Compiled: Dec 24 2018 03:13:37

Copyright (c) 2013-2018, BlastHack Team <blast.hk>

Base address: 0x6FF30000.
Initializing opcodes...
Opcodes initialized successfully. Total opcodes: 382.
Hook "CTimer::GetRealTimeScale" installed.
Hook "CPad::Update" installed.
Hook "CCamera::RenderMotionBlur" installed.
Hook "CScriptThread::AddScriptToQueue" installed.
Hook "CScriptThread::RemoveScriptFromQueue" installed.
Hook "CScriptThread::Process" installed.
Hook "WinMainLoop" installed.
Hook "CLoadingScreen::RenderSplash" installed.
Hook "CVehicle::CVehicle" installed.
Hook "CVehicle::~CVehicle" installed.
Hook "CPed::CPed" installed.
Hook "CPed::~CPed" installed.
samp.dll base addres: 0x03D20000
Hook "SAMP: CNetGame::CNetGame" installed.
Hook "SAMP: CDialog::Close" installed.
Hook "SAMP: QuitGame" installed.
Hook "SAMP: CCmdWindow::ProcessInput" installed.
[ML] (system) Session started.
MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
[ML] Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

[ML] Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team
[ML] https://www.blast.hk/moonloader/

[ML] (info) Working directory: E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader
[ML] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[ML] (system) Hooks installed.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\1_3_0_Mini-Pig.lua'...
[ML] (system) 1_3_0_Mini-Pig.lua: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\calc.lua'...
[ML] (system) calc.lua: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\fix.luac'...
[ML] (system) fix.luac: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\helper.lua'...
[ML] (error) helper.lua: E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\helper.lua: cannot load malformed bytecode
[ML] (error) helper.lua: Script died due to an error. (0BC0F8A4)
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\imgui_notf.lua'...
[ML] (system) imgui_notf.lua: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[ML] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\rouletteARZ.lua'...
[ML] (system) rouletteARZ.lua: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\rouletteARZ_NEW_UPD.lua'...
[ML] (system) rouletteARZ_NEW_UPD.lua: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[ML] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[ML] (system) Hooks installed.
Direct3DDevice9 hook installed.
Hook "SAMP: RakPeer::HandleRPCPacket" installed.
Initializing SAMP data...
Info initialized.
Pools initialized.
Player pool initialized.
Vehicle pool initialized.
Chat initialized.
Input initialized.
Death list initialized.
Dialog initialized.
Misc data initialized.
Scoreboard initialized.
RakNet initialized.
SAMPFUNCS v5.4.1-final rel.21 (SA-MP 0.3.7-R1) completely loaded!
RegisterCommand Error: Command "rlta" already exists.
[ML] (script) rouletteARZ.lua: Àâòîð - FooOoott
[ML] (script) rouletteARZ.lua: Ãðóïïà âê - https://vk.com/asapmods
[ML] (script) rouletteARZ_NEW_UPD.lua: Àâòîð - FooOoott
[ML] (script) rouletteARZ_NEW_UPD.lua: Ãðóïïà âê - https://vk.com/asapmods


SAMPFUNCS v5.4.1-final rel.21 (SA-MP 0.3.7-R1)
Compiled: Dec 24 2018 03:13:37

Copyright (c) 2013-2018, BlastHack Team <blast.hk>

Base address: 0x6FF30000.
Initializing opcodes...
Opcodes initialized successfully. Total opcodes: 382.
Hook "CTimer::GetRealTimeScale" installed.
Hook "CPad::Update" installed.
Hook "CCamera::RenderMotionBlur" installed.
Hook "CScriptThread::AddScriptToQueue" installed.
Hook "CScriptThread::RemoveScriptFromQueue" installed.
Hook "CScriptThread::Process" installed.
Hook "WinMainLoop" installed.
Hook "CLoadingScreen::RenderSplash" installed.
Hook "CVehicle::CVehicle" installed.
Hook "CVehicle::~CVehicle" installed.
Hook "CPed::CPed" installed.
Hook "CPed::~CPed" installed.
samp.dll base addres: 0x03D20000
Hook "SAMP: CNetGame::CNetGame" installed.
Hook "SAMP: CDialog::Close" installed.
Hook "SAMP: QuitGame" installed.
Hook "SAMP: CCmdWindow::ProcessInput" installed.
[ML] (system) Session started.
MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
[ML] Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

[ML] Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team
[ML] https://www.blast.hk/moonloader/

[ML] (info) Working directory: E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader
[ML] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[ML] (system) Hooks installed.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\1_3_0_Mini-Pig.lua'...
[ML] (system) 1_3_0_Mini-Pig.lua: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\calc.lua'...
[ML] (system) calc.lua: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\fix.luac'...
[ML] (system) fix.luac: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\helper.lua'...
[ML] (error) helper.lua: E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\helper.lua: cannot load malformed bytecode
[ML] (error) helper.lua: Script died due to an error. (0BC0F8A4)
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\imgui_notf.lua'...
[ML] (system) imgui_notf.lua: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[ML] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\rouletteARZ.lua'...
[ML] (system) rouletteARZ.lua: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\rouletteARZ_NEW_UPD.lua'...
[ML] (system) rouletteARZ_NEW_UPD.lua: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Loading script 'E:\Samp\ÐÈÍÆÈ ÑÁÎÐÊÀ\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[ML] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[ML] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[ML] (system) Hooks installed.
Direct3DDevice9 hook installed.
Hook "SAMP: RakPeer::HandleRPCPacket" installed.
Initializing SAMP data...
Info initialized.
Pools initialized.
Player pool initialized.
Vehicle pool initialized.
Chat initialized.
Input initialized.
Death list initialized.
Dialog initialized.
Misc data initialized.
Scoreboard initialized.
RakNet initialized.
SAMPFUNCS v5.4.1-final rel.21 (SA-MP 0.3.7-R1) completely loaded!
RegisterCommand Error: Command "rlta" already exists.
[ML] (script) rouletteARZ.lua: Àâòîð - FooOoott
[ML] (script) rouletteARZ.lua: Ãðóïïà âê - https://vk.com/asapmods
[ML] (script) rouletteARZ_NEW_UPD.lua: Àâòîð - FooOoott
[ML] (script) rouletteARZ_NEW_UPD.lua: Ãðóïïà âê - https://vk.com/asapmods
У тебя 026 луна, а скрипт скомпилирован под 025