Декомпиляция скриптов


Автор темы

Общая тема для просьб о помощи в декомпиляциии и декриптованиии скриптов, плагинов и приложений.
Запрещено просить о декомпиляции/декриптовании софта, выставленного на продажу на нашем сайте.

  1. Сначала воспользуйтесь поиском по теме и по форуму, возможно его в декомпилированном виде или с исходным кодом уже выкладывали у нас на сайте.
  2. Попытайтесь декомпилировать самостоятельно: CLEO - декриптор, декомпилятор; AHK - распаковщик .exe; LuaJIT - декомпилятор1, декомпилятор2.
  3. Просить о декомпиляции .asi, .sf, .dll, .exe почти бесполезно, часто такие просьбы остаются без ответа и вряд ли вам это что-то даст. Можете попробовать сами, IDA Pro или Ghidra к вашим услугам.
    • Это не касается .exe, которые являются скомпилированными AutoHotKey-скриптами (.ahk).
  4. Добавьте название скрипта к сообщению, если оно известно - это поможет другим пользователям найти его с помощью поиска.
  5. Сообщения по типу "спасибо, помог" по правилам форума считаются флудом и скорее всего будут удалены. Если вам помогли, вы можете нажать кнопку Мне нравится под ответом - это даст понять, что ответ верный.
Последнее редактирование:

™ ChipFamily

По ту сторону надежды.
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

03A4: name_thread "AIR"

0001: wait 0 ms
0AFA:  is_samp_available
004D: jump_if_false @Label000007
0001: wait 14000 ms
00D6: if
0AAB:   file_exists "cleo\FastRun.ini"
004D: jump_if_false @Label000065
0AF0: 4@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\FastRun.ini" section "SETTINGS" key "KEY"
0002: jump @Label0000B2

0AF5: write_string "67" to_ini_file "cleo\FastRun.ini" section "SETTINGS" key "KEY"
0AF0: 4@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\FastRun.ini" section "SETTINGS" key "KEY"

0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[PrivateFastRun by AIR]: {FFFFFF}Loaded! (/FastRun [Float {ff0000}(0.1 - 10.0){ffffff}])" color 3394611 
0B34: samp register_client_command "FastRun" to_label @Label0004A5
0007: 2@ = 1.0

0001: wait 0 ms
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH_R" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "JUMP_LAUNCH" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "JUMP_GLIDE" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "WOMAN_RUNSEXY" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "WOMAN_RUNPANIC" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "WOMAN_RUNFATOLD" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "WOMAN_RUNBUSY" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "WOMAN_RUN" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "SWAT_RUN" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "SPRINT_WUZI" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "SPRINT_PANIC" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "RUN_WUZI" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "RUN_RIGHT" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "RUN_LEFT" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "RUN_PLAYER" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "RUN_FATOLD" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "RUN_FAT" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "RUN_CSAW" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "RUN_CIVI" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "RUN_ARMED" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "RUN_1ARMED" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "JOG_MALEA" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "JOG_FEMALEA" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "JOG_FEMALEA" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "SWIM_BREAST" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "SWIM_CRAWL" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "SWIM_DIVE_UNDER" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "SWIM_GLIDE" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "SWIM_JUMPOUT" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "SWIM_UNDER" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CLIMB_JUMP" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CLIMB_JUMP_B" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CLIMB_PULL" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CLIMB_STAND" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "getup" at 2@ times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "getup_front" at 2@ times_normal_rate
00D6: if and
0AB0:   key_pressed 87
0AB0:   key_pressed 4@
0021:   2@ > 1.0
0031:   2@ >= 0.1
004D: jump_if_false @Label00049E
0007: 2@ = 1.0
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[PrivateFastRun by AIR]: {ffffff}Установлено стандартное значение! {ff0000}( 1.0 )" color 3394611 

0002: jump @Label00012E

0B35: samp 1@ = get_last_command_params
00D6: if
0AD4: 3@ = scan_string 1@ format "%f" 5@ 
004D: jump_if_false @Label000588
00D6: if and
0031:   5@ >= 0.1
8021:   not  5@ > 10.0
004D: jump_if_false @Label000588
0087: 2@ = 5@ // (float)
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[PrivateFastRun by AIR]: {ffffff}Установлена скорость: {66FF33}%f" color 3394611 2@ 
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[PrivateFastRun by AIR]: {ffffff}Стандартная скорость: {ff0000}1.0" color 3394611 
0B43: samp cmd_ret

0001: wait 0 ms
0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "[PrivateFastRun by AIR]: {FFFFFF}Используйте: /FastRun [Float {ff0000}(0.1 - 10.0){ffffff}]" color 3394611 
0B43: samp cmd_ret
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

0662: printstring "==============================================================="
0662: printstring "My VK: vk.com/id138101483"
0662: printstring "My Skype: hackes8"
0662: printstring "Group VK: vk.com/by_air"
0662: printstring "My YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/spacebmxair"
0662: printstring "All rights reserved ©"
0662: printstring "==============================================================="

0001: wait 0 ms
0AFA:  is_samp_available
004D: jump_if_false @Label00011F
0006: 0@ = 0
0B34: samp register_client_command "fmop" to_label @Label00018A
0BE2: raknet setup_outcoming_packet_hook @Label000242
0001: wait 6500 ms
0AD0: show_formatted_text_lowpriority "MopFix v4 (by AIR)~n~/fmop - Enable/Disable MopFix" time 3000 
0BDE: pause_thread 0

00D6: if
0B61:  samp is_local_player_spawned
004D: jump_if_false @Label000210
00D6: if
0039:   0@ == 0
004D: jump_if_false @Label0001DC
0006: 0@ = 1
0AD0: show_formatted_text_lowpriority "MopFix v4 (by AIR): ~G~Enable" time 1000 
0002: jump @Label000209

0006: 0@ = 0
0AD0: show_formatted_text_lowpriority "MopFix v4 (by AIR): ~R~Disable" time 1000 

0002: jump @Label000240

0AD0: show_formatted_text_lowpriority "MopFix v4 (by AIR): ~R~You do not spawn!" time 1000 

0B43: samp cmd_ret

00D6: if and
0039:   0@ == 1
80DF:   not actor $3 driving
004D: jump_if_false @Label000574
0BE5: raknet 1@ = get_hook_param 1
00D6: if
0039:   1@ == 207
004D: jump_if_false @Label000574
0BE5: raknet 2@ = get_hook_param 0
0BF3: raknet 2@ = bit_stream 2@ get_data_ptr
0C0C: 3@ = struct 2@ offset 65 size 2
0C0C: 4@ = struct 2@ offset 67 size 2
0C0C: 5@ = struct 2@ offset 39 size 4
0C0C: 6@ = struct 2@ offset 43 size 4
00D6: if and
0039:   3@ == 1058
0039:   4@ == 4100
004D: jump_if_false @Label000574
0C0D: struct 2@ offset 1 size 2 = 0
0C0D: struct 2@ offset 3 size 2 = 65408
0C0D: struct 2@ offset 5 size 2 = 32
0C0D: struct 2@ offset 23 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 2@ offset 27 size 4 = 0.0
00D6: if or
0021:   5@ > 0.176
8031:   not  5@ >= -0.176
0021:   6@ > 0.176
8031:   not  6@ >= -0.176
004D: jump_if_false @Label0004A8
0006: 7@ = 0
0006: 8@ = 0
00D6: if
0021:   5@ > 0.176
004D: jump_if_false @Label000385
0006: 7@ = 1
000F: 5@ -= 0.176
0017: 5@ /= 33.33
0002: jump @Label0003B5

00D6: if
8031:   not  5@ >= -0.176
004D: jump_if_false @Label0003B5
0006: 7@ = 2
000B: 5@ += 0.176
0017: 5@ /= 33.33

00D6: if
0021:   6@ > 0.176
004D: jump_if_false @Label0003EC
0006: 8@ = 1
000F: 6@ -= 0.176
0017: 6@ /= 33.33
0002: jump @Label00041C

00D6: if
8031:   not  6@ >= -0.176
004D: jump_if_false @Label00041C
0006: 8@ = 2
000B: 6@ += 0.176
0017: 6@ /= 33.33

00D6: if
0039:   7@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Label00043F
000B: 5@ += 0.176
0002: jump @Label00045B

00D6: if
0039:   7@ == 2
004D: jump_if_false @Label00045B
000F: 5@ -= 0.176

0006: 7@ = 0
00D6: if
0039:   8@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Label000485
000B: 6@ += 0.176
0002: jump @Label0004A1

00D6: if
0039:   8@ == 2
004D: jump_if_false @Label0004A1
000F: 6@ -= 0.176

0006: 8@ = 0

0208: 9@ = random_float_in_ranges -0.0005 0.0005
005B: 5@ += 9@ // (float)
0208: 9@ = random_float_in_ranges -0.0005 0.0005
005B: 6@ += 9@ // (float)
0C0D: struct 2@ offset 39 size 4 = 5@
0C0D: struct 2@ offset 43 size 4 = 6@
0C0D: struct 2@ offset 47 size 4 = 0.0
0C0D: struct 2@ offset 65 size 2 = 1130
0C0D: struct 2@ offset 67 size 2 = 32772
00D6: if or
0021:   5@ > 0.1906
8031:   not  5@ >= -0.1906
0021:   6@ > 0.1906
8031:   not  6@ >= -0.1906
004D: jump_if_false @Label000574
0AD0: show_formatted_text_lowpriority "MopFix v4 (by AIR): ~R~High Speed!!!" time 99 

0BE0: raknet hook_ret 1
  • Нравится
Реакции: DonkRage


помогите, мне нужен код gun render`a для само обучения хочу написать такоеже только на пакетики нарко для аризоны


  • Gun_Render.cs
    21.6 KB · Просмотры: 4


Дайте декомпил плиз, для изучения.


  • FastEnterExitCar.rar
    1.2 KB · Просмотры: 13

™ ChipFamily

По ту сторону надежды.
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Дайте декомпил плиз, для изучения.
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP
0662: printstring "Fast Enter/Exit Car: All Server"
0662: printstring "Автор: Ded_Fedot"
0662: printstring "Специально для: Perfect-Soft.net"
0662: printstring ">decrypted<"

0001: wait 400 ms
0AFA:  is_samp_available
004D: jump_if_false @Label00006C
0B34: samp register_client_command "feec" to_label @Label000B96
0AF0: 2@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\FastEnterExitCar.ini" section "Setting" key "AutoLoad"
0085: 1@ = 2@ // (int)

0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if
0039:   1@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Label000B8F
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_GETIN_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_GETIN_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_GETIN_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_GETIN_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_GETOUT_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_GETOUT_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_GETOUT_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_GETOUT_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_pullout_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_pullout_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_closedoor_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_closedoor_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_closedoor_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_closedoor_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_close_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_close_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_close_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_close_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_open_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_open_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_open_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "TRUCK_open_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_OPEN_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_OPEN_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_GETINL_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_GETINL_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_GETIN_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_GETIN_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_CLOSEDOORL_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_CLOSEDOORL_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_CLOSEDOOR_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_CLOSEDOOR_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_ROLLDOOR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_ROLLDOORLO" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_GETOUTL_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_GETOUTL_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_GETOUT_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_GETOUT_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_CLOSE_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "CAR_CLOSE_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_open" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_open" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_open_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_getin_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_getin_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_getin_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_getin_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_getin_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_close" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_close" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_getout_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_getout_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_getout_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_close" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "BUS_close" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "COACH_opnL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "COACH_opnR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "COACH_opnL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "COACH_opnR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "COACH_inL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "COACH_inR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "COACH_inL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "COACH_inR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "COACH_outL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "COACH_outR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "COACH_outL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "COACH_outR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikeh_jumponL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikeh_jumponR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikeh_jumponL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikeh_jumponR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikeh_getoffLHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikeh_getoffRHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikeh_getoffLHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikeh_getoffRHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikes_jumponL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikes_jumponR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikes_jumponL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikes_jumponR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikes_getoffLHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikes_getoffRHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikes_getoffLHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikes_getoffRHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikev_jumponL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikev_jumponR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikev_jumponL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikev_jumponR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikev_getoffLHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikev_getoffRHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikev_getoffLHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Bikev_getoffRHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Biked_jumponL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Biked_jumponR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Biked_jumponL" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Biked_jumponR" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Biked_getoffLHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Biked_getoffRHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Biked_getoffLHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "Biked_getoffRHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "quad_geton_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "quad_geton_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "quad_geton_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "quad_geton_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "quad_getoff_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "quad_getoff_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "quad_getoff_LHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate
0393: actor $3 perform_animation "quad_getoff_RHS" at 15.0 times_normal_rate

0002: jump @Label0000C2

00D6: if
0039:   1@ == 0
004D: jump_if_false @Label000BF0
0006: 1@ = 1
0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~w~Fast ~g~Enter/Exit ~w~Car ~n~~y~By ~p~Ded_Fedot" time 2000 
0002: jump @Label000C31

0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~w~Fast ~r~Enter/Exit ~w~Car ~n~~y~By ~p~Ded_Fedot" time 2000 
0006: 1@ = 0

0B43: samp cmd_ret


Кто-то может изменить код? Не шарю просто


  • DRP_TP.ini
    1,015 байт · Просмотры: 8
  • drtptp.cs
    25.2 KB · Просмотры: 9


Декриптаните пожалуйсто, для саморазвития


  • Kolokol.cs
    17.8 KB · Просмотры: 4
  • FPSUnlock by Dapo Show.cs
    17.5 KB · Просмотры: 13


откройте плс что бы без хексов было, или дайте ссыль на подобный скрипт


  • Mod No Motion Blur by Fabio.cs
    193 байт · Просмотры: 9