помогите сделать функцию для скрипта


Автор темы
Можете сделать пожалуйста функцию где при вводе неверной капчи будет видно капча которую ты вводил


local q = require 'lib.samp.events'
local inicfg = require 'inicfg'
local vkeys = require 'vkeys'
local imgui = require 'imgui'
local mem = require 'memory'
local time = nil
local captime = nil
local t = 0
local captcha = ''
local captchaTable = {}

function main()
    repeat wait(0) until isSampAvailable()
    sampAddChatMessage(" {018e65}Тренинг {024387}капчи {630b95}успешно {741712}загружен! {824b7d}Активация: {8B008B}U {0000FF}англиская.",-1)
  while true do wait(0)
    if testCheat("u") and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() then showCaptcha() end
    local result, button, list, input = sampHasDialogRespond(8813)
    if result then
      if button == 1 then
        if input == captcha..'0' then sampAddChatMessage(string.format('{faa500}[Trening] {00ff00}%.3f {00ff00}'..captcha..'0', os.clock() - captime), -1)
        elseif input ~= captcha..'0' then sampAddChatMessage(string.format('{faa500}[Trening] {ff0000}%.3f {ff0000}'..captcha..'0', os.clock() - captime), -1) end

function removeTextdraws()
  if t > 0 then
    for i = 1, t do sampTextdrawDelete(i) end
    t = 0
    captcha = ''
    captime = nil

function GenerateTextDraw(id, PosX, PosY)
    if id == 0 then
    t = t + 1
    sampTextdrawCreate(t, "LD_SPAC:white", PosX - 5, PosY + 5)
    sampTextdrawSetLetterSizeAndColor(t, 0, 3.2, 0x80808080)
    sampTextdrawSetBoxColorAndSize(t, 1, 0xFF759DA3, PosX+8, 0.000000)
  elseif id == 1 then
    for i = 0, 1 do
        t = t + 1
        if i == 0 then offsetX = 2; offsetBX = 17 else offsetX = -3; offsetBX = -17; end
        sampTextdrawCreate(t, "LD_SPAC:white", PosX - offsetX, PosY)
        sampTextdrawSetLetterSizeAndColor(t, 0, 4.4, 0x80808080)
        sampTextdrawSetBoxColorAndSize(t, 1, 0xFF759DA3, PosX-offsetBX, 0.000000)
  elseif id == 2 then
    for i = 0, 1 do
        t = t + 1
        if i == 0 then offsetX = -8; offsetY = 6 offsetBX = 16 else offsetX = 6; offsetY = 25 offsetBX = -15; end
        sampTextdrawCreate(t, "LD_SPAC:white", PosX - offsetX, PosY + offsetY)
        sampTextdrawSetLetterSizeAndColor(t, 0, 0.85, 0x80808080)
        sampTextdrawSetBoxColorAndSize(t, 1, 0xFF759DA3, PosX-offsetBX, 0.000000)
  elseif id == 3 then
    for i = 0, 1 do
        t = t + 1
        if i == 0 then size = 1.1; offsetY = 6 else size = 1; offsetY = 25 end
        sampTextdrawCreate(t, "LD_SPAC:white", PosX+10, PosY+offsetY)
        sampTextdrawSetLetterSizeAndColor(t, 0, size, 0x80808080)
        sampTextdrawSetBoxColorAndSize(t, 1, 0xFF759DA3, PosX-16.5, 0.000000)
  elseif id == 4 then
    for i = 0, 1 do
        t = t + 1
        if i == 0 then size = 1.7; offsetX = -10; offsetY = 0 offsetBX = 7 else size = 1.55; offsetX = -10; offsetY = 25 offsetBX = 16; end
        sampTextdrawCreate(t, "LD_SPAC:white", PosX - offsetX, PosY + offsetY)
        sampTextdrawSetLetterSizeAndColor(t, 0, size, 0x80808080)
        sampTextdrawSetBoxColorAndSize(t, 1, 0xFF759DA3, PosX-offsetBX, 0.000000)
  elseif id == 5 then
    for i = 0, 1 do
        t = t + 1
        if i == 0 then size = 0.9; offsetX = 6; offsetY = 7 offsetBX = -15 else size = 0.8; offsetX = -10; offsetY = 26 offsetBX = 16; end
        sampTextdrawCreate(t, "LD_SPAC:white", PosX - offsetX, PosY + offsetY)
        sampTextdrawSetLetterSizeAndColor(t, 0, size, 0x80808080)
        sampTextdrawSetBoxColorAndSize(t, 1, 0xFF759DA3, PosX-offsetBX, 0.000000)
  elseif id == 6 then
    for i = 0, 1 do
        t = t + 1
        if i == 0 then size = 1; offsetX = 7.5; offsetY = 7 offsetBX = -15 else size = 1; offsetX = -10; offsetY = 25 offsetBX = 10; end
        sampTextdrawCreate(t, "LD_SPAC:white", PosX - offsetX, PosY + offsetY)
        sampTextdrawSetLetterSizeAndColor(t, 0, size, 0x80808080)
        sampTextdrawSetBoxColorAndSize(t, 1, 0xFF759DA3, PosX-offsetBX, 0.000000)
  elseif id == 7 then
    t = t + 1
    sampTextdrawCreate(t, "LD_SPAC:white", PosX - 14, PosY + 6)
    sampTextdrawSetLetterSizeAndColor(t, 0, 3.9, 0x80808080)
    sampTextdrawSetBoxColorAndSize(t, 1, 0xFF759DA3, PosX+7, 0.000000)
  elseif id == 8 then
    for i = 0, 1 do
        t = t + 1
        if i == 0 then size = 1.3; offsetY = 5 else size = 0.9; offsetY = 24 end
        sampTextdrawCreate(t, "LD_SPAC:white", PosX+10, PosY+offsetY)
        sampTextdrawSetLetterSizeAndColor(t, 0, 1.1, 0x80808080)
        sampTextdrawSetBoxColorAndSize(t, 1, 0xFF759DA3, PosX-10, 0.000000)
  elseif id == 9 then
    for i = 0, 1 do
        t = t + 1
        if i == 0 then size = 0.9; offsetY = 7; offsetBX = 7; else size = 0.8; offsetY = 26; offsetBX = 15; end
        sampTextdrawCreate(t, "LD_SPAC:white", PosX+10, PosY+offsetY)
        sampTextdrawSetLetterSizeAndColor(t, 0, size, 0x80808080)
        sampTextdrawSetBoxColorAndSize(t, 1, 0xFF759DA3, PosX-offsetBX, 0.000000)

function showCaptcha()
        t = t + 1
        sampTextdrawCreate(t, "LD_SPAC:white", 240, 124)
        sampTextdrawSetLetterSizeAndColor(t, 0, 5.6, 0x80808080)
        sampTextdrawSetBoxColorAndSize(t, 1, 0xFF1A2432, 398, 0.000000)

        t = t + 1
        sampTextdrawCreate(t, "LD_SPAC:white", 242, 127)
        sampTextdrawCreate(t, "LD_SPAC:white", 242, 127)
        sampTextdrawSetLetterSizeAndColor(t, 0, 5, 0x80808080)
        sampTextdrawSetBoxColorAndSize(t, 1, 0xFF759DA3, 396, 0.000000)
        nextPos = -30.0;

    for i = 1, 4 do
        a = math.random(0, 9)
        table.insert(captchaTable, a)
        captcha = captcha..a

        for i = 0, 4 do
        nextPos = nextPos + 30
        t = t + 1
        sampTextdrawCreate(t, "usebox", 259 + nextPos, 131)
        sampTextdrawSetLetterSizeAndColor(t, 0, 4.3, 0x80808080)
        sampTextdrawSetBoxColorAndSize(t, 1, 0xFF1A2432, 30, 25)
        sampTextdrawSetAlign(t, 2)
        if i < 4 then GenerateTextDraw(captchaTable[i + 1], 259 + nextPos, 131, 3 + i * 2)
        else GenerateTextDraw(0, 259 + nextPos, 131, 3 + i * 10) end
    captchaTable = {}
    sampShowDialog(8813, '{835a47}Проверка на робота', '{FFFFFF}Введите {C6FB4A}5{FFFFFF} символов, которые\nвидно на {C6FB4A}вашем{FFFFFF} экране.', 'Принять', 'Отмена', 1)
    captime = os.clock()


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Реакции: digitalpurple