Вопрос по сампу


Автор темы
крашит когда заходит, пока идёт подключение все ок, как только вхожу в игру то краш

Start game
Check module name
Hook crt
Fail to disable DEP: error code 5
Game: Arizona
Branch: Main
Hook launch errors
Hook game exit
Hook game load logging
Fix refresh rate
Fix startup errors
Fix default resolution
Hook fonts
Find documets dir
Use default SAMP font
Hook AddFontResourceA( "gtaweap3.ttf" )
Hook AddFontResourceA( "sampaux3.ttf" )
Load SAMP R3 ( 0x3eb0000 )
Force use russian fonts
Locale: ru-RU (1251)
Detect multibyte locale with russian characters.
Disable limit for maximum FPS
Hook startupInfo
Replace settings file to: arizona.set
Seasons disabled
Hook SAA
Hook gameloop
Load Runtime
Load crashlog
Load dbg symbols
Hook UEF
Time start 15:42:35
Win ver: 10.0 build 18363 (10)
With mod "Fonts"
With mod "genrl"
With mod "gun"
With mod "models"
With mod "oooooooooo"
With mod "Road"
With lua "!RollerFix.lua"
With lua "10fixtime.lua"
With lua "1921.DualMonitorFix — копия.lua"
With lua "ab.lua"
With lua "AimAssist by Scar_ v0.7 Free Version.lua"
With lua "alt enter.lua"
With lua "ARZ Assistant.lua"
With lua "arz tools fixed by santalin.luac"
With lua "arztools modified by santalin.luac"
With lua "ARZ_HotKeys.lua"
With lua "AutoReboot.lua"
With lua "bellfx.lua"
With lua "cam.set.lua"
With lua "Chat-Calculator.lua"
With lua "chatfix.lua"
With lua "chatNopFlood (1).lua"
With lua "check-moonloader-updates.lua"
With lua "cr.lua"
With lua "delstream.luac"
With lua "descriptions.lua"
With lua "dic (1).lua"
With lua "dic.lua"
With lua "DontCloseDialog.lua"
With lua "faIcons.lua"
With lua "FakeLife.lua"
With lua "fakepolice.lua"
With lua "famHelper.luac"
With lua "fAwesome5.lua"
With lua "FuckMechanic.lua"
With lua "getcolor.lua"
With lua "Helper_for_jail 2.0.luac"
With lua "imgui_buy.lua"
With lua "imgui_notf.lua"
With lua "Invite fam 2,0.lua"
With lua "logo.lua"
With lua "lomka.lua"
With lua "Lucky_Patcher.lua"
With lua "mask.lua"
With lua "MineTimeRender.luac"
With lua "MineTimeRenderV2.luac"
With lua "money_separator.lua"
With lua "mycar.lua"
With lua "nameTag.lua"
With lua "NoFuckingProps.lua"
With lua "opop.lua"
With lua "OSM.lua"
With lua "Pablo Escobar.lua"
With lua "Player info.lua"
With lua "reload_all.lua"
With lua "return zaebal.lua"
With lua "sampSetFocusFix.lua"
With lua "SelfID.lua"
With lua "SF Integration.lua"
With lua "shift-fix.lua"
With lua "skip.luac"
With lua "skript.lua"
With lua "Sliv Sklada.lua"
With lua "SP.luac"
With lua "STYLE #2.lua"
With lua "swantedtomete.lua"
With lua "Telegram.luac"
With lua "timecyc-editor.lua"
With lua "ToolsManager.luac"
With lua "ttime.lua"
With lua "ugenrl.lua"
With lua "V2 sliver V2 (1).lua"
With lua "vip-resend.lua"
With lua "WhiteNicksIdsR3.lua"
With lua "zaglushen.lua"
With lua "zDualMonitorFix.lua"
With lua "антигуделка.lua"
With lua "быстрая загрузка.lua"
With lua "не закрывать инпут когда появлился диалог патч.lua"
With cleo "1.Sbiv.cs"
With cleo "anticrasher.cs"
With cleo "anticrasher037.cs"
With cleo "Antistealer.cs"
With cleo "binthesky_by_DK.cs"
With cleo "connect.cs"
With cleo "crash.cs"
With cleo "EasyCMD.cs"
With cleo "Fix Water Square (Junior_Djjr).cs"
With cleo "FixDIST.cs"
With cleo "FPS - show.cs"
With cleo "hoCAR.cs"
With cleo "housesFix.cs"
With cleo "HUDFix.cs"
With cleo "InputHelperByiTz_XG4M3R.CS"
With cleo "limit.cs"
With cleo "lock_cars_L.cs"
With cleo "magni.cs"
With cleo "memory_full.cs"
With cleo "SensitivityFix.cs"
With cleo "Shadow Height Fix (Junior_Djjr).cs"
With cleo "Status_Indicators.cs"
With cleo "warehouse.cs"
With sf "AntiFreeze.SF"
With sf "arizonarender.sf"
With sf "btrack.sf"
With sf "GameExitFixbyRomelo.sf"
With sf "NoCarSkill.sf"
With sf "ResourcesRender.sf"
Load asi-plugins
Load ASI "$fastman92limitAdjuster.asi" at 0x6dc60000
Load ASI "AZVoice.asi" at 0x6efd0000
Load ASI "cleo.asi" at 0x6fca0000
Load ASI "core.asi" at 0x6eef0000
Load ASI "crashes.asi" at 0x6fbc0000
Load ASI "CrashInfo.asi" at 0x6ee80000
Load ASI "fix.black_roads.asi" at 0x6fc30000
Load ASI "fixFTH.asi" at 0x4ab0000
Load ASI "flickr.asi" at 0x6fc20000
Load ASI "ForceHealthyComponents.asi" at 0x6fbb0000
Load ASI "MapZoomFixerByDarkP1xel.asi" at 0x6fba0000
Load ASI "modloader.asi" at 0x6ec90000
Load ASI "MoonLoader.asi" at 0x6e910000
Load ASI "mousefix.asi" at 0x6fb80000
Load ASI "normalmapfix.asi" at 0x5e20000
Load ASI "runningpatch.asi" at 0x64e0000
Load ASI "SAMPFUNCS.asi" at 0x6da70000
Load ASI "Screenshot.asi" at 0x6d9d0000
Load ASI "SilentPatchSA.asi" at 0x6ec40000
Load ASI "StreamMemFix.asi" at 0x6520000
Load ASI "_CoreGame.asi" at 0x6d8a0000
Fix CLEO opcodes
Loading CEF
All plugins is loaded
Hook SAA2 (mod): D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader/ to D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\mods\
Hook SAA2: loadscs.txd to D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\core_game\loadscs.txd
Init cursor
Init d3d9
Hook dx
    Arch: 9
    Level: 0x6
    Type: 0x21d8
    Count: 4
    Page size: 4096
    Min address: 0x10000
    Max address: 0xfffeffff
    Total: 8083MB
    Available for system: 5423MB
    Available for game: 3222MB
    Available for textures: 4054MB
    Video adapter 0:
        Device: \\.\DISPLAY1 ( 0x8086, 0x1912 )
        Driver: igdumdim32.dll ( 1e0000006425d4 )
        Description: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530
        Vertex shader version: fffe0300
        Pixel shader version: ffff0300
    Video adapter 1:
        Device: \\.\DISPLAY2 ( 0x8086, 0x1912 )
        Driver: igdumdim32.dll ( 1e0000006425d4 )
        Description: Intel(R) HD Graphics 530
        Vertex shader version: fffe0300
        Pixel shader version: ffff0300
Pools initialize
Load IMG archives
Loading the Game: Loading default.ide
Loading the Game: Loading vehicles.ide
Hook SAA2: data\vehicles.ide to D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\core_game\vehicles.ide
Loading the Game: Loading peds.ide
Loading the Game: Loading vegepart.ide
Loading the Game: Loading barriers.ide
Loading the Game: Loading dynamic.ide
Loading the Game: Loading dynamic2.ide
Loading the Game: Loading multiobj.ide
Loading the Game: Loading procobj.ide
Loading the Game: Loading lan.ide
Loading the Game: Loading lan2.ide
Loading the Game: Loading las.ide
Loading the Game: Loading las2.ide
Loading the Game: Loading lae.ide
Loading the Game: Loading lae2.ide
Loading the Game: Loading law2.ide
Loading the Game: Loading law.ide
Loading the Game: Loading lawn.ide
Loading the Game: Loading lahills.ide
Loading the Game: Loading laxref.ide
Loading the Game: Loading sfn.ide
Loading the Game: Loading sfs.ide
Loading the Game: Loading sfse.ide
Loading the Game: Loading sfe.ide
Loading the Game: Loading sfw.ide
Loading the Game: Loading sfxref.ide
Loading the Game: Loading vegasn.ide
Loading the Game: Loading vegass.ide
Loading the Game: Loading vegase.ide
Loading the Game: Loading vegasw.ide
Loading the Game: Loading vegaxref.ide
Loading the Game: Loading countryn.ide
Loading the Game: Loading countn2.ide
Loading the Game: Loading countrys.ide
Loading the Game: Loading countrye.ide
Loading the Game: Loading countryw.ide
Loading the Game: Loading counxref.ide
Loading the Game: Loading int_la.ide
Loading the Game: Loading int_sf.ide
Loading the Game: Loading int_veg.ide
Loading the Game: Loading int_cont.ide
Loading the Game: Loading levelmap.ide
Loading the Game: Loading levelxre.ide
Loading the Game: Loading gen_int1.ide
Loading the Game: Loading gen_int2.ide
Loading the Game: Loading gen_intb.ide
Loading the Game: Loading gen_int3.ide
Loading the Game: Loading gen_int4.ide
Loading the Game: Loading gen_int5.ide
Loading the Game: Loading savehous.ide
Loading the Game: Loading stadint.ide
Loading the Game: Loading seabed.ide
Loading the Game: Loading props.ide
Loading the Game: Loading props2.ide
Loading the Game: Loading propext.ide
Loading the Game: Loading veh_mods.ide
Loading the Game: Loading txdcut.ide
Loading the Game: Loading samp.ide
Loading the Game: Loading custom.ide
Loading the Game: Loading weapons.col
Loading the Game: Loading Object Data
Loading the Game: Loading Setup vehicle info data
Loading the Game: Loading Streaming Init
Loading the Game: Loading Collision
Loading the Game: Loading map.zon
Loading the Game: Loading info.zon
Loading the Game: Loading lan.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading lan2.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading las.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading las2.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading lae.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading lae2.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading law.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading lawn.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading law2.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading lahills.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading sfn.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading sfs.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading sfse.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading sfe.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading sfw.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading vegasn.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading vegass.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading vegase.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading vegasw.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading countryn.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading countn2.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading countrys.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading countrye.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading countryw.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading int_la.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading int_sf.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading int_veg.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading int_cont.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading gen_int1.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading gen_int2.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading gen_intb.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading gen_int3.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading gen_int4.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading gen_int5.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading stadint.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading savehous.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading levelmap.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading seabed.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading paths.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading paths2.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading paths3.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading paths4.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading paths5.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading cull.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading tunnels.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading occlusf.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading occluveg.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading occlula.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading occluint.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading audiozon.ipl
Loading the Game: Loading samp.ipl
Loading the Game: Add Particles
Loading the Game: Setup paths
Loading the Game: Setup water
Loading the Game: Setup streaming
Loading the Game: Load animations
Loading the Game: Setup streaming
Loading the Game: Ped Init
Loading the Game: Setup game variables
Loading the Game: Load scripts
Loading the Game: Setup game variables
Loading the Game: Start script
Loading the Game: Load scene
Loading the Game: Procedural Interiors

MOD INCOMPATIBLE: FixDist incompatible with CEF. If you want change fog distance use internal launcher command /fogdist

Prevented write at 0x55fcc8. Modify memory in region [0x55f870, 0x55febf] may crash game.
If you want force write into this addr, use opcode 8A8C instead of 0A8C
Prevented write at 0x55fcc9. Modify memory in region [0x55f870, 0x55febf] may crash game.
If you want force write into this addr, use opcode 8A8C instead of 0A8C
Prevented write at 0x55fccd. Modify memory in region [0x55f870, 0x55febf] may crash game.
If you want force write into this addr, use opcode 8A8C instead of 0A8C
Init events
Load arizona.txd
Create plugin
Subscribe on mainloop
Initialize custom menu
Initialize limits
Initialize photo fix
Initialize translation
Initialize slow chat
Initialize chat key
Initialize custom screens
Initialize fast fonts
Initialize chat state
Initialize preloader
Initialize FixAudio
Initialize chat log
Initialize TT fix
Initialize stream fix
Initialize plugins
Init game
Hook RakClient
Hook RakClient vtbl
Register fps command
Register fogdist command

Исключение по адресу: 0x03F728C7    (samp.DLL + 0xB28C7)
Возможная причина краша: samp.DLL
Возможное решение: Удалите данный файл из папки игры.

Обращение к недоступной памяти.
Подробности: Попытка записать в недоступный участок памяти

EAX: 0x0000021C    EBX: 0xFFFFFFFF    ECX: 0xBECC17FF    EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x2B70E068    EDI: 0x06853938    ESP: 0x0177F614    EBP: 0x0177F684
EFLAGS: 0x00210246

Стек вызовов:
Unknown                              0x03F728C7    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\samp.DLL
Unknown                              0x6EA7B8E9    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA7FC02    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA7E267    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA80246    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA8013C    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x05A508D6  
Unknown                              0x00619B71    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\gta_sa.exe
Unknown                              0x00748DA0    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\gta_sa.exe
RtlFreeHeap                          0x7759DC16    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Unknown                              0x6EA7FB94    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA7DE46    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA7B83B    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA7FBBB    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA7E202    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA807BB    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA80188    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA7DF18    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA7B83B    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA7FBBB    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA7E202    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA807BB    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x6EA80188    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\modloader.asi
Unknown                              0x008246F1    D:\ARIZONA GAMES\bin\Arizona\gta_sa.exe
BaseThreadInitThunk                  0x75256359    C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL
RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath    0x775C7B74    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath    0x775C7B44    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
  • Нравится
Реакции: Wasta