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  1. Userinspace

    Help regarding sampGetPlayerColor

    Hey there! So this mod will grab the aimed player's id and will run a certain command. But I want it to send the command only if my Player Color/ Id Color/ Nickname color is "-14269954" or "-7500289". I tried sampGetPlayerColor but it crashes my game every time, I guess I'm doing something...
  2. Userinspace

    How to print Nickname in the chat

    Th Thanks life saver.
  3. Userinspace

    How to print Nickname in the chat

    Is it possible to remove the "_" in the nickname? So i want it to print " Full Name" instead of "Full_Name"
  4. Userinspace

    How to print Nickname in the chat

    Hello there! So this mod prints the id of the person you are aiming at in the chat. I want the mod to print Nickname/username in the chat instead of the id. I tried adding "sampGetPlayerNickname" but it didnt work for me. Can a good hearted soul please edit the code below and add nickname...
  5. Userinspace

    How to show current weapons on screen

    Hy man thank you so much but can you do me one more favor ? Can you turn off the enable/disable key so it stays enable all the time alsocan you turn off where it disables the default HUD. I want it to run with the default HUD.
  6. Userinspace

    How to show current weapons on screen

    Hey there lovely. I wanted to create a mod that will show my weapons on screen like this - This is from Chapo's Fortnite Hud but i only want the weapon part. I tried to contact Chapo but i failed ( Chapo if you are seeing this help me out man ). I tried to make my own one but i failed...
  7. Userinspace

    Samp Dialog Box Help

    It doesnt show the dialog id :)
  8. Userinspace

    Samp Dialog Box Help

    Sorry for wasting your time mate but how do i put this in code? im dumb and new in lua so please forgive my dumbness.
  9. Userinspace

    Samp Dialog Box Help

    Not working for me Here is my code: local ev = require 'lib.samp.events' function ev.onShowDialog(id, style, title, btn1, btn2, text) if id == yourId then if title:find('Vehicle storage') sampSendDialogResponse(yourId, 1, 1, nil) end end end
  10. Userinspace

    Samp Dialog Box Help

    Hey there thanks for helping last time. I'm stuck again, hope I'll get help from here again. How do I make a script that will choose the first car and select (De)spawn button.
  11. Userinspace

    Getting own playerArmour

    Thank you so much savior <3 Hey there lovely people, help me with one more thing. If this dialog opens it will select the first car and click the (de)spawn button.
  12. Userinspace

    Getting own playerArmour

    Hey there I'm totally new to LUA scripting. I need help regarding