Недавнее содержимое от caunteris3

  1. C

    Object adder

    Is there any ways to create object which could teleport when you step on it on SAMP? I've seen a guy who created a strange object, and when you step on it you get teleport to station.
  2. C

    CLEO Invisible Weapon Hook [I.W.H.]

    Same, can't activate the cheat, console says that the commands are bad
  3. C

    How to take server disabled guns?

    Not working :/ Do I have to activate it somehow? cleo 4.1 sf 5.2.2 (I know that it is possible to have minigun on this server) Edit: Made a way to pick up guns, but after i kill someone - server ban
  4. C

    How to take server disabled guns?

    How? English answer if possible