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  1. D

    Другое С/С++ Вопрос - Ответ

    Can someone give an example of a hook on close dialog? for ASI
  2. D

    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

  3. D

    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    i tried, I apparently did everything right, but nevertheless, it remains visible.
  4. D

    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    Can anyone help me with my application? I really don't know how to do it. Отправка уведомлений в Discord
  5. D

    Исходник Отправка уведомлений в Discord

    The theme is great, it's very useful and all, but the most important aspect is missing: how to encrypt the URL in such a way that it's not visible through CheatEngine or memory analysis applications? Anyone could grab the webhook URL and send spam or other similar things.
  6. D

    Другое С/С++ Вопрос - Ответ

  7. D

    Другое С/С++ Вопрос - Ответ

    What's wrong? the square is not drawn on the screen, if i use endscene it doesn't work either. #define _SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS 1 #include <Windows.h> #include <d3d9.h> #include <d3dx9.h> #include <string> #include <assert.h> #include <process.h> #include <dinput.h> #include...
  8. D

    Гайд [ASI] Хукаем d3d9

    What's wrong? the square is not drawn on the screen #define _SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS 1 #include <Windows.h> #include <d3d9.h> #include <d3dx9.h> #include <string> #include <assert.h> #include <process.h> #include <dinput.h> #include <tchar.h> #pragma comment(lib, "d3d9.lib")...
  9. D

    Другое С/С++ Вопрос - Ответ

    It's wrong? the ImGui window is not shown, however when pressing VK_END the value that is returned says that it is active but it is not seen, can someone help me? I use this guide: [ASI] Хукаем d3d9 (C++17 (/std:c++17)) #define _SILENCE_STDEXT_HASH_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS 1 #define...
  10. D

    Другое С/С++ Вопрос - Ответ

  11. D

    Другое С/С++ Вопрос - Ответ

  12. D

    Другое С/С++ Вопрос - Ответ

    How to do this in C++? local inicfg = require "inicfg" local color = imgui.ImFloat4(mainIni.color.R/255, mainIni.color.G/255, mainIni.color.B/255, 255) if imgui.ColorEdit4('Color', color) then local clr = join_argb(0, color.v[1] * 255, color.v[2] * 255, color.v[3] * 255, color.v[4] * 255)...
  13. D

    Декомпиляция скриптов

  14. D

    Декомпиляция скриптов

    пожалуйста помоги