Недавнее содержимое от Dzemaloidas

  1. Dzemaloidas

    Can anyone help fix

    I didn't quite understand, maybe you can explain more and help?
  2. Dzemaloidas

    Can anyone help fix

    ML] (error) abcd.lua: C:\Users\lukys\Desktop\GTA BY SYL\moonloader\abcd.lua:7: attempt to index global 'sampev' (a nil value) stack traceback: C:\Users\lukys\Desktop\GTA BY SYL\moonloader\abcd.lua:7: in main chunk [ML] (error) abcd.lua: Script died due to an error. (0F51028C)
  3. Dzemaloidas

    Can anyone help fix

    Maybe you can help when the game starts it shows "[ML] (error) nelysti.lua: Script died due to an error. (1435A8D4)"
  4. Dzemaloidas

    Can anyone help?

    Can you help me with the cleo script, does it only work when a person is logged in, or can you make it work all the time when you log in? // This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 6/14/2013 {$CLEO.cs}...
  5. Dzemaloidas

    Maybe someone has an aimbot (aim on shoot)?

    Maybe someone has an aimbot (aim on shoot)?
  6. Dzemaloidas

    Декомпиляция скриптов

  7. Dzemaloidas

    Help with script

    Cleo only works when one person is online, but could you make it work any time you're online? (Script is not mine)