Недавнее содержимое от pabloko

  1. P

    [SRC] La Pirula Project

    maybe z0rek put a stealer on his shitty project, we release source code
  2. P

    [SRC] La Pirula Project

    Hello, since some leechers stole our m0d and tried to get credit over it (see CHEATERS REVENGE BUG PROJECT) We decided to release the project that P3ti and me developed many months ago. Download src from http://rghost.ru/60329284
  3. P

    Софт RakCrash [SAMP 0.3z R4]

    If you're experiencing crashes using RakSamp this may help: void Packet_PlayerSync(Packet *p, RakClientInterface *pRakClient) { if (p->length < (int)(sizeof(ONFOOT_SYNC_DATA)+sizeof(WORD))) return; ... now potato is happy again
  4. P

    Directx circle head

    Hi, you should handle a frame by frame drawing, just take a look into proxyIDirect3D9.cpp, you may user render-> to draw your stuff, since only DrawBox and DrawBoxi is defined in d3drender.cpp you should add DrawCircle method, that should look like this: void DrawCircle(float mx, float my...
  5. P

    [Source] Исходники SA:MP

    :) http://puu.sh/adBRx/7bace03adf.zip you're welcome
  6. P

    Другое С/С++ Вопрос - Ответ

    Player aimed (green triange over head) uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *)g_Players->pLocalPlayer - 320; uint16_t thedata[5]; memcpy_safe(&thedata, ptr + 0x2b9, 4); int PlayerAimedID = thedata[0]; //0xFFFF if not green triangle Get AIM by collision Vehicles and Players WARNING only works in 1920 x...