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  1. L

    Другое SAMPFUNCS | API C++

    hmm, can you give me an example?
  2. L

    Другое SAMPFUNCS | API C++

    how can i put a 'wait' like SF->getCLEO()->callOpcode("0AF9: samp say_msg \"gethit\""); SF->getCLEO()->callOpcode("0001: wait 400 ms"); SF->getCLEO()->callOpcode("0AF9: samp say_msg \"gethit\"");
  3. L

    Гайд API SF | Урок 5 - Подключение ImGui

    how i can make it 'button toggleing'?
  4. L

    Другое SAMPFUNCS | API C++

    a download to sampfuncs with imgui project? thanks
  5. L

    You told me to remember you this "Write me to Sunday. I give for you new version with imgui 1.62" ;d

    You told me to remember you this "Write me to Sunday. I give for you new version with imgui 1.62" ;d
  6. L

    Другое SAMPFUNCS | API C++

    Okey, thank you :monkey:
  7. L

    Другое SAMPFUNCS | API C++

    yep this is the imgui from your project (Софт - ImGUI(https://blast.hk/threads/12387/))
  8. L

    Другое SAMPFUNCS | API C++

    bool CALLBACK WndProcHandler (HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ImGui_ImplDX9_WndProcHandler (hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); return true; } nothing happend : thinking:
  9. L

    Другое SAMPFUNCS | API C++