Информация San Andreas Syncer


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San Andreas Syncer

About the project

I was surprised that there is no good playable coop mode for GTA SA, so I thought I'd do one. The project is 100% written in Lua, using the libraries available on this forum. Multiplayer does not have advanced synchronization, but only its basics such as: traffic, pedestrians, players, missions.

Is the project complete?

No, and for a long time it won't.
There are still no willing hands to work, if you are willing to help write me on discord - borsuk#0990

What is complete and what is not?

We managed to complete 70% of the traffic synchronization, which works great! Unfortunately, this is only part of the required stuff for a full-fledged coop. The synchronization of peds and missions remains to be written. Peds synchronization will be more difficult to write than vehicle synchronization due to the possibility of numerous animation errors, but we will try to get the last button done.


In the future.





Всефорумный модератор
О проекте

Я удивился когда узнал, что для GTA SA нет хорошего игрового кооператива, потому решил, что я сделаю его. Проект полностью написан на LUA, используя библиотеки доступные на этом форуме. Мультиплеер не имеет расширенной синхронизации, имея только основы, такие как: трафик, пешеходы, игроки, миссии.

Проект готов?

Нет, еще продолжительное время он будет не готов.
Пока нет желающих работать над проектом, но если ты вдруг хочешь помочь, то пиши мне в дискорд - borsuk#0990

Что уже готово, а что нет?

Нам уже удалось завершить синхронизацию трафика примерно на 70%, при этом, она отлично работает! К сожалению, это только часть необходимого для полноценной работы проекта. Синхронизацию персонажей (педов) и миссий еще предстоит написать. Синхронизацию пешеходов будет написать в разы сложнее, чем синхронизацию тех же автомобилей, из-за различных многочисленных ошибок анимаций, но мы постараемся сделать все до конца.


В будущем.




Software Developer & System Administrator
Well, co-op multiplayer might be a good idea but I think everyone understand that GTA: San Andreas gameplay isn't really diversified. It wouldn't cool to play this game with your friends just because there are too many moments where game requires only one player. And of course there are cutscenes where you just can't add multiply players. So, yeah, you can just drive a car with your friends near to you, maybe shoot each other and have fun, but it's just multiplayer like SA:MP or SL:MP. It's no place for the co-op game right here. Maybe, if you create new plot which won't be connected with original GTA: San Andreas, it will work.

And also I didn't see the sources of this project but I guess that security level of this is not really high. I think that server got information from one of clients and than give it to others. If I'm right, it's not cool. The best realisation of this is to generate traffic server-side and send it to clients but it requires a lot of resources because it might be a lot of players in different part of the map, and you need to generate unique traffic for every of these parts.

So, speaking of ped sync, we also have this problem in our SL:MP project. We are working for a while but we still didn't make good sync for players. The main problem right now is animations, we just can't sync it normally. If it's not a secret, does your project use some of our free libraries like SNET or something like that? It's just interesting to know because it's the first large project on Lua which I see for a while.
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Реакции: Vespan, Vintik и dart__


Автор темы
Well, co-op multiplayer might be a good idea but I think everyone understand that GTA: San Andreas gameplay isn't really diversified. It wouldn't cool to play this game with your friends just because there are too many moments where game requires only one player. And of course there are cutscenes where you just can't add multiply players. So, yeah, you can just drive a car with your friends near to you, maybe shoot each other and have fun, but it's just multiplayer like SA:MP or SL:MP. It's no place for the co-op game right here. Maybe, if you create new plot which won't be connected with original GTA: San Andreas, it will work.

And also I didn't see the sources of this project but I guess that security level of this is not really high. I think that server got information from one of clients and than give it to others. If I'm right, it's not cool. The best realisation of this is to generate traffic server-side and send it to clients but it requires a lot of resources because it might be a lot of players in different part of the map, and you need to generate unique traffic for every of these parts.

So, speaking of ped sync, we also have this problem in our SL:MP project. We are working for a while but we still didn't make good sync for players. The main problem right now is animations, we just can't sync it normally. If it's not a secret, does your project use some of our free libraries like SNET or something like that? It's just interesting to know because it's the first large project on Lua which I see for a while.
Hello! Ok so, yes - server always trust clients and anticheat completly not exists, but that's what we wanted - you can play mods with your friends, spawn cars, play sandbox and more! About animations - probably we gonna make it on tasks like MTA or SAMP (also I got source of alt:sa with example od tasks and looks great!) About missions - only one player can start mission and other players will see characters from other view but can help each other in missions, its not great but I think its only good way for this moment.


Через тернии к звёздам
Very good idea. When u start open testing or something like this, i want to play in that)
And one more question. Sessions will be on your server or on user's computer, who start session? Which GTA create traffic and peds?


Автор темы
Very good idea. When u start open testing or something like this, i want to play in that)
And one more question. Sessions will be on your server or on user's computer, who start session? Which GTA create traffic and peds?
Hey, server works same like in samp or mta, every client creates traffic, GTA have internal logic and dont spawn car too much, that works really cool :)
  • Нравится
Реакции: kudy, Vintik и dart__


I'm really looking forward to this multiplayer, have you thought about transferring it to the entire trilogy?

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